Sandbagging 1999
The Olympic Coast Young Marines Sandbagging the Elma, Wa Airport.
Left row from front: CWO4 Bryon F. Overton Commanding, Michael Jordan, Derrick Smith, Lee Embry Right Row from front:Kelly Schafart, Chantha Reth, Tyler Seekatz.
This is a picture of Young Marines unloading sandbags from a pickup and passing them down a line toward the building.
Bottom From Left: Tyler Seekatz, Chantha Reth, Cylus Damm Middle Row from Left: Bryon F. Overton, Lee Embry, Kelly Schfart, Derrick Smith Top Row from left: Michael Jordan, Mike Kinsey
This is some of the Young Marines involved in the sandbagging mission.
From Left: Michael Jordan, Kelly Schfart, Chantha Reth, Derrick Smith, Bryon F. Overton, Cylus Damm
Young Marines stacking sandbages in front of the building.
The Olympic Coast Young Marines were called out twice to fill sandbags. The first night we filled aproximately 350 in one and a half hours. The second night we filled aproximately 800 in three hours plus lined the perimeter of the airport buildings with sandbages. All of our success was due to good teamwork, leadership, and of course good physical strength. oohrah!